So I picked up the new book Unchristian by Barna at the convention and I have really enjoyed the first 100 pages. It basically so far says we are in a mess, at least the image of Christian is in serious need of rebranding. So far it echoes many of the things we talked about in the seminar, here are a couple juicy tidbits.
"Hurtful experiences with Christians are a part of the stories of nearly one out of every two young people who are atheists, agnostics, or of some other faith."
"The vast majority of outsiders have been to Christian churches and have heard the message of Christ."
"Spirituality is important to young adults, but many consider it just one element of a successful, eclectic life. Fewer than one out of ten young adults mention faith as their top priority."
I'll post more later.
Take Care,
Mark Helsel
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